Para los que están en busca de una receta que incluya verduras de temporada para obtener un plato ligero, nutritivo y muy sabroso, hoy traemos una receta muy sencilla de arroz con rúcula y calabacín que por porción aporta:
Arroz con rúcula y calabacín
Para los que están en busca de una receta que incluya verduras de temporada para obtener un plato ligero, nutritivo y muy sabroso, hoy traemos una receta muy sencilla de arroz con rúcula y calabacín que por porción aporta:
Tataki de atún de Almadraba con salmorejo, rucula selvática y crujiente de jamón
Basil Hummus
The days are getting shorter, the zucchini beasts are slowing down production, and even the neighborhood kids are already headed back to school, signaling the looming end of summer. Our basil plants however, don't seem to notice that their days are numbered. This is high season for them, and they've made quite the romper room of their garden beds.
I've been dreaming about this basil hummus for weeks now. It sort of makes sense, doesn't it? Like a cross between hummus and pesto. The basil and the pine nuts take the place of the tahini in the hummus. A little tomato paste adds a touch of sweetness and the Tabasco just a little zest. This was a hit with everyone who tried it, so I hope you like it too.
Basil Hummus Recipe
- Prep time: 15 minutes
- Cook time: 5 minutes
- 1/4 cup pine nuts
- 2 cups sweet basil leaves, packed
- 3 cloves garlic, smashed then minced
- 2 15-ounce cans garbanzo beans (chickpeas), rinsed and drained*
- 1/4 cup olive oil
- 1/4 cup water
- 1/3 cup fresh lemon juice
- 1 1/2 to 2 teaspoons salt
- Several dashes Tabasco
- 1 teaspoon tomato paste
* Several readers have asked about instructions using dry garbanzo beans instead of canned. I estimate that you will need about 1 1/4 cup of dried beans to make enough beans for this recipe. Soak them overnight in a pot covered by a couple inches of water. The next day, drain the water and add fresh water, again covering the beans by a couple inches. You might want to put a couple garlic cloves in the water for flavor. Bring to a simmer, and simmer on low heat for several hours, until the beans are tender but still whole. Remove any foam that bubbles to the surface during the cooking. Drain the beans and proceed with the recipe.
1 Heat the pine nuts in a small skillet on medium high heat. Stir them when they start to brown. When most of them have lightly browned, remove them from the pan into a bowl to cool. (Reserve a few pine nuts for garnish.)
2 In the bowl of a food processor, place the basil leaves and the garlic. Pulse until finely chopped. Add the rinsed and drained garbanzo beans, most of the pine nuts, olive oil, water, lemon juice, salt, tomato paste, and a few dashes of Tabasco. Pulse several times, for several seconds each time, until the hummus is smooth. Add more Tabasco and salt or lemon juice to taste.
To serve, place in a bowl and drizzle a little olive oil over it. Sprinkle with a few toasted pine nuts. Serve with pita wedges, crackers, or rustic bread.
Greek Salad by Jamie Oliver
This salad is known and loved around the world. Those of you who’ve been lucky enough to eat this salad in Greece will know that when it’s made well it’s absolute heaven. Hopefully this recipe will help you achieve the big bold authentic flavours that it's known for. The trick is to pay attention to the small details that make it so wonderful: things like finding the ripest tomatoes, good Greek olive oil, beautiful olives, creamy feta and lovely herbs.
I think it’s quite nice to have different shapes and sizes in a salad, so cut your medium tomato into wedges, halve the cherry tomatoes and slice the beef tomato into large rounds. Put all the tomatoes into a large salad bowl. Slice the onion very finely so it’s wafer thin and add to the tomatoes. Scratch a fork down the sides of the cucumber so it leaves deep grooves in the skin, then cut it into thick slices. Deseed your pepper, slice it into rings and add them to the salad along with the cucumber.
Roughly chop the dill and most of the mint leaves, reserving the smaller ones for garnish. Add the chopped herbs to the bowl of salad, then squeeze your handful of olives over so they season the vegetables, then drop them in.
Add a pinch of salt, the vinegar and the extra virgin olive oil. Quickly toss everything together with your hands. The minute all those flavours start working with the veg is when the magic starts to happen. Have a taste, and adjust the flavours if need be.
To serve, pop the block of feta right on the top of the salad. Sprinkle the oregano over the top along with the reserved mint leaves, drizzle with extra virgin olive oil and take it straight to the table. It’s confident and scruffy with a bit of attitude. Delicious.
P.S. I’ve been known to pop leftover Greek salad into a liquidizer with a splash of extra virgin olive oil and a few ice cubes, then blitz it up to a smooth consistency so it's basically a Greek gazpacho. It’s not a classic thing to do, but it is very delicious, not to mention a great way of using up leftovers!
• 1 medium ripe tomato
• 200g ripe cherry tomatoes
• 1 beef tomato
• 1 medium red onion, peeled
• 1 cucumber
• 1 green pepper
• a handful of fresh dill
• a handful of fresh mint leaves
• a large handful of black
olives, stoned
• sea salt
• 1 tablespoon red
wine vinegar
• 3 tablespoons good-quality
Greek extra virgin olive oil
• 200g block of feta cheese
• 1 teaspoon dried oregano
Receta de Cuscús con verduras
Por Eliana en
Un plato muy sencillo, fácil de hacer y delicioso es elcuscús (cous cous) con vegetales. Ideal tanto como guarnición o como platillo principal para quienes son vegetarianos es esta receta.
Los ingredientes: 2 tazas de cuscús precocido, 3 o 4 zanahorias, 3 o 4 calabacines, 1 pimentón rojo, cebollín (también conocido como cebolleta o cebolla de verdeo), orégano y albahaca secos, 1 diente de ajo, sal y pimienta al gusto, aceite de oliva.
La preparación del cuscús (cous cous) con vegetales: corta las zanahorias, los calabacines, el pimentón y el cebollín. En una cacerola comienza por saltear el cebollín y el pimentón con aceite de oliva, luego añade el diente de ajo triturado y la zanahoria y finalmente el calabacín. Cocina hasta que todos los vegetales estén tiernos y por último añade las hierbas secas, sal y pimienta al gusto.
Simultáneamente pones a hervir dos tazas de agua con sal y colocas los granos de cuscús en un recipiente ancho para servir, le añades el agua hervida al cuscús, dejas reposar por unos 8 minutos aproximadamente para que los granos de cuscús se inflen y agregas un poco de aceite de oliva o mantequilla y remueves con la ayuda de un tenedor para asegurar que los granos de cous cous queden sueltos.
Espaguettis al Romero con Setas
Pesto "della Mamma"
- 1 manojo de albahaca fresca sin los tallos, lavada y secada con papel absorbente (suelo comprar una planta cada 2 ó 3 semanas, dependiendo del uso que le dé y siempre lo tengo a mano)
- 2 - 3 ajos (yo usé 3)
- 50 grs. de piñones pelados
- 100 grs. de nueces peladas
- 75 - 100 grs. de queso Parmesano rallado
- 3 - 4 cucharadas de aceite de oliva virgen extra
- 500 grs. de pasta integral de espelta, trigo...
- 1 taza de agua de cocer la pasta (puede que no sea necesario utilizarla, pero es conveniente guardarla por si acaso) **
Colocar la mezcla en un cuendo mediano y añadir el queso, poco a poco, hasta integrarlo por completo con la masa anterior (el color del pesto quedará más o menos pálido dependiendo de la cantidad de queso que pongáis). Agregar el aceite y mezclar bien.
Hervir la pasta en abundante agua hirviendo con sal, escurrirla cuando esté al dente y reservar algo del agua de cocción.
Servir la pasta bien caliente con un par de cucharadas del pesto por encima. Añadir unas finas lascas de Parmesano y un chorrito de aceite de oliva virgen extra. Podéis adornarlo con un par de hojitas de albahaca.
** Dependiendo de lo fino que esté rallado el queso y de la cantidad que usemos, la mezcla de albahaca absorberá más o menos aceite, pero no recomiendo poner más de 4 cucharadas soperas. Si aún así resultara un pesto demasiado espeso para vuestro gusto, diluirlo entonces con un poco del agua reservada de cocer la pasta
Nos contó que aunque él es de la zona cercana a Nápoles, en el sur de Italia, el pesto que prefería es el de estilo genovés, muy similar en ingredientes al de albahaca que aquí se conoce pero muy diferente en cuanto a su preparación... sencillamente porque todos los ingredientes se pican a cuchillo.
Diferencias con el pesto procesado en una máquina (picadora, robot de cocina...): LA TEXTURA... ahhhh, la textura es totalmente diferente y permite, no solo al ojo, sino también al paladar, apreciar debidamente cada uno de los ingredientes.
Merece la pena invertir el tiempo en hacerlo manualmente. En unos 10 - 15 minutos tendréis un pesto al estilo de la "Mamma" y con la textura que más os guste, tan solo dependiendo del tiempo que invertáis en el proceso. El mío estuvo perfecto en 10 minutos.
Un apunte personal: aunque la receta original utiliza solamente piñones, yo utilicé piñones y nueces. Creo que el resultado también es delicioso y sale bastante más barato.
Asparagus Artichoke Salad
Although for the most part we can get asparagus all year long, I usually only get them in the spring, when they are in season. How can you resist, when you see hundreds of them in the produce section, saluting you like bundled, upright green soldiers? 'Hello m'am. Please cook me.' So, we buy asparagus, and more asparagus. Here is a recipe for what to do with our long green friends, when you're tired of everything else. (Thank you Whole Foods deli section for the idea.) Grill them or roast them (grilling will taste better if you can do it), and toss them in a simple salad with marinated artichoke hearts, shallots, and grape tomatoes. Carry on...
from because im addicted by geri hirsch
HOW TO: Guacamole
You will need:1. Halve and pit the avocados. Scoop out the flesh with a tablespoon into a mixing bowl. Dice and mash the avocados with a fork.
3 ripe avocados, diced (I prefer Haas avocados)
1/3 cup white onion, chopped
1/4 cup fresh cilantro leaves, coarsely chopped
1 jalapeno, seeded and minced (if you prefer it spicier add 1.5-2 jalapenos)
3 tablespoons fresh lime juice (or more if you like it limey which I do)
Salt to taste (be generous as salt really brings out the flavor of the avocados)
2. Add the remaining ingredients, fold everything together and mix gently.
3. Lay a piece of plastic wrap right on the surface of the guacamole so it doesn't brown and refrigerate for about an hour before serving.
Risotto de Calabaza
Garlic Shrimp Pasta Recipe
1lb medium shrimp (peeled, deveined, with tails removed)
1lb uncooked spaghetti noodles
8 garlic cloves (minced)
¼ cup butter
2 teaspoons olive oil
Italian seasoning
black pepper
red pepper flakes
Cooking Instructions:
Step 3: Add pasta to the skillet, season with Italian seasoning, red pepper flakes, black pepper and salt. Add enough of the saved pasta water till the mixture is not dry but not simmering in liquid (start by adding ¼ of a cup and work your way up from there). Keep tossing all the ingredients around in the skillet until it is well combined and hot.
(Makes 4 servings)